onsdag den 8. september 2010

How to sew a tutu skirt

This is what you need:
Elastic band
Needle and thread

How to:
You sew a long drawstring hem, then you pull the elastic band through.

Place a safety pin in the end of the elastic band and push it through. (You measure the elastic band so it fits around your waist)

You wrinkle the tulle on the elastic band, and after that you sew it together so the ends meet.

And now you have a complete tutu skirt.

If you want your skirt in two colours, you simply place the two layers together and sew it the same way.

You can also choose to add sequins to your skirt. The easy way to do it would be to buy a sequin ribbon and sew it on using zigzag stitches on a sewing machine.  

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